Charlie Veniot 29th September 2022 at 12:41am
' Based on bplus' code for "curve stitching"
' Found (post #6) in
' This Basic Anywhere Machine version by Charlie Veniot
Screen _NewImage(500, 390, 16)
r = _Height / 2.1: cx = _Width / 2: cy = _Height / 2: n = 150: s = 360 / n
dim as byte red, green, blue
red = 175 : green = 255 : blue = 155
20 For t = 1 To 50 Step .00125
Circle (cx - 1, cy), r, _rgb32(red, green, blue)
For i = 1 To n
a1 = s * i: a2 = s * i * t
Line (cx + Sin(_D2R(a1)) * r, cy + Cos(_D2R(a1)) * r)-(cx + Sin(_D2R(a2)) * r, cy + Cos(_D2R(a2)) * r),_rgb32(red, green, blue)
Next i
_delay 0.0125
Next t